i love white paper lanterns, they always reflect so much light in a room. i wanted to make an eye-catching feature for caleb in his room and thought these would be perfect. we've always spent lots of time in his nursery but now it's more fun than ever as he really pays attention to everything around him. watching his eyes light up has to be the biggest reward i will ever get for decorating a room. so if you're a fan like caleb, and a sucker for a bargain (the lanterns and materials cost under £10) here is a little step by step in pictures....


  1. Oh my gosh. These are great! Really, really great! I would never have thought to use those white paper shades like this. Harry is a nightmare to nappy change at the moment as he wants to be off and about so something like this could really help distract him.


    1. thank you, so kind of you to say! ha ha the things we have to do to get their bums changed without a complete melt down!!

  2. OMG! These are amazing!!
