Now this may sound biased, being a woman and all, but women are pretty incredible creatures.
There capacity to give, to love, to feel, to nurture, to protect seems to have no end. I am so incredibly lucky to be surrounded by such amazing women in my life. From my own dear mum, to my mother-law, to the other women in my family, to my friends. Each one inspiring and supporting me to be the best mum and woman I can be.
Today was such a lovely day, compliments of my husband. Yep, turns out those men ain't so bad either ;)
He prepared a Mother's Day brunch for my mum, my mother-in law (or as I like to call her Mum 2) and myself, complete with Bucks Fizz and flowers for all. A perfect way to spend a Sunday morning.
I didn't take any pictures of today, I was too busy enjoying it, but I wanted to share these pictures of my mum and Caleb that I took earlier on in the week with you. They make me smile so much, because behind every budding superman is a women who's arms are strong enough to hold him ;)
This last picture isn't in focus but I love it so. These two have made each other laugh and smile this past week, and this is just a classic example of that.
I hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day, celebrating the special women in your life.