an edinburgh christmas
christmas eve was filled with friends, family, pasta, drinkies, and of course, christmas pj's. it is not christmas eve without new pj's ;)
sorry, caleb and baby bump, you're parents are cheese balls :)
we had put no expectation on christmas morning, we were fully aware caleb might not be interested in opening presents and might find it all overwhelming. that was not the case at all, his little face as we helped him open his toys was a picture. each toy was greeted with a squeal of delight and immediately looked to us to release it from it's packaging.
anyone else wanting to take a crash course in getting toys out of their packaging and assembling them?? i'll put our names down shall i? ;)
chilling with our christmas ham and cheese croissants, a tradition stolen from michael's side of the family.
this was as close as we got to taking a family picture together. yeah, we need to work on that for next year ;)
stop hugging me, mama. me want to play with all my toys.
we then headed over to michael's sisters for christmas dinner, it was a team effort with everyone pitching in, we were spoilt rotten with lots of beautiful food and drink. it was such a chilled and relaxed day thanks to karen and her husband, iain's amazing organisation. having the largest family they seem to be the default home for all big family occasions which isn't necessarily fair. we just want to say a big thank you to them. we really do appreciate it ♥
canapes before dinner
hands down the prettiest real tree i've seen this year. utter perfection.
karen's gorgeous christmas table
i had been obsessing over these liberty crackers when i saw them in living etc. like a child i squealed with delight when i saw them on the table. a gorgeous treat from michael's mum.
pictures of the tree and table setting? check. pictures of the kids lapping up christmas day? fail.
the clue being the tree and table don't move at the speed of lightening ;)
i did however get a few of this lucky boy getting to play with his cousins toys...
we then wrapped the day up with popping the younger kids to bed and enjoying all the games michael had prepared for us all. each family member had a food or drink task on the day (mine was canapes and pudding), except michael. yeah, he's not so great in the cooking department. the quiz master department however, different story. thanks to liam and ciara, i was on the winning team :)
i hope you all had a wonderful christmas, and we wish you all a very happy new year.
2014, you're going to be a goodin.