the month of august is zooming by and i can't believe that summer is nearly over. michael started back at work today after seven weeks off, there were tears from caleb as his daddy (or daddeeeeeee as he likes to call him) left this morning. though thankfully he was easily distracted by a building block, ah the drama's of a toddler. one minute it's the end of the world next minute it's all, oohh building block.

we managed to cram a lot into michael's last week off though (poor man will be going back to work for a break!)...

we took advantage of the cool little pop up events for kids during the edinburgh festival. the sandpit in st andrew's square was a big hit with caleb.

building sand castles is serious business

not one spade, but two. at all times. them's the rules according to caleb.

chilling on a deck chair, as digging with two spades can get awfully tiring ;)

(note- trying to explain to caleb as we were leaving that the spades weren't his to keep did not go down well!)

there has been some great discoveries in this little house too...

the belly button!! 

we ask him where his belly button is, he pulls up his top proudly stating 'der dat dis'. gets me everytime.

trying to get around the festival with a pram is pretty much impossible, so grandma edinburgh kindly offered to take care of caleb so we could have a little wander...

obviously we wandered straight into the signet library pop up champagne bar, at the top of the royal mile ;)

such a stunning building, and still a working library for lawyers even while the pop up bar is on.

it's lovely to have those 'just us' moments in places we wouldn't take caleb. thank you grandma edinburgh :)

 behold the chaos that is the royal mile! 

attacked by overenthusiastic people handing out just wouldn't be the festival without them.

 lastly a little family trip to dynamic earth

although more geared towards older children caleb had a whale of a time running about inside and out.

he literally DOES. NOT. STOP.

except for when there is a table to be sat at, child is obsessed! :)

so now it is back to business as usual. just me and my little dude. we'll miss you in the daytime daddeeeeee (and my cheeky lie ins through the week ;)


  1. Looks like so much fun. He is such a big boy now! I love his little belly button phrase too!

    1. i know! where has my baby gone!?!
      the belly button thing cracks me up :)

  2. You guys certainly packed in some stuff this week, all looked great though.

    I love it when they find their bellybuttons, so cute!

    1. it wasn't until i did this post did i realise everything we'd squeezed in!!
      certainly got the most out of michael's last week!

  3. What a lovely lot of memories, the photos of your little boy checking his belly button are so adorable! Definitely come and join in with our 'Ordinary Moments' linky next week! x

  4. wow.. that was quite a week.
    I love him discovering his belly button.

  5. Great post. The belly button shots are my favourite too. And you've persuaded me to take my boys to Dynamic Earth very soon. They'll love it.

    1. thanks donna!
      if you book online before the end of august you can get a yearly pass for the price of one admission which i thought was really good :)

  6. Sounds like an amazing time and you fit loads in. Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing with us at WW :)
