the sun is out! yes in edinburgh. crazy but true, and it's not even that, 'I'll just pop out for five minutes and get my pal rain to come out instead' sun. it's full beautiful days of the stuff. everywhere i look spring is in full pelt, and this little house is pretty happy about that.

it's been a looooonnng winter, there's only so many cosy days and nights you can have before the novelty well and truly wares off and you crave for the sun and outside. so bye bye christmas jumpers we love you but it's time to pack you away.

i'm already getting excited about bare legs, ballet pumps, sandals, light jackets.......okay now i am getting a little ahead of myself, must remember i live in scotland. but hey they don't call it bonny scotland for nothing, you truly are at your prettiest with a bright blue sky.

see what i mean, bonny.
caleb feeding the ducks for the 1st time! well mummy was feeding the ducks, caleb was eating the bread.
you look so grown up in this picture caleb (sob sob)
ahh blue skys
spring at it's best

*thank you Jodie for taking the pictures of caleb and i feeding the ducks ♥ 

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  1. Caleb is too cute! Lovely pic of the flowers x

  2. You guys are just the cutest! And you are the most stylish little mama!
    I love how Caleb was eating the bread hahahaha

    1. seriously the ducks didn't get a look in!!
      thank you for your sweet messages :)

  3. Oh my goodness the sky is so beautifully blue!!! And your little man - just too sweet!!! <3

    1. thank you Momma Burd, we're enjoying the blue skies while they last!

  4. Wow! Love the pictures of sun and crocuses! Spring is here - YIPPEE!

    1. thank you! I know we are loving that spring is here! keep the good weather coming!
