lets go to the beach! the question though was which beach?

i didn't relish the idea of being on a beach with the whole of edinburgh all trying to squeeze our pasty white tush's on it, so the obvious choices were out.

drawing a blank and not wanting to go too far we called our friend madeleine who we knew would point us in the right direction, and indeed she did, telling us about a little hidden gem in east linton.

after parking up, she gave us directions through the woods (and of course we got lost) but then there it was in our sights, like a like a little oasis...

nothing quite like sinking your feet into warm sand :)

now we were fully aware this trip was going to go one of two ways (kinda like how every situation goes now with a toddler in tow ;) seeing as it was caleb's first visit to a beach. beach baby or cry baby??

beach baby!

this little guy was in his element, we put him down and he was off, straight for the sea like a born surfer dude.

didn't even flinch as he sat in the cold sea...true scottish man.

it's actually crazy how much sand this kid ate, not too mention how much sea water he drank, at one point he had shells in his bucket of water and kept fishing them out and drinking from them like mini cups! at first we let him thinking he'd get a shock from the taste and stop...eh no. we then had to tell him to stop which made him do it all the more (of course), how he wasn't sick baffles me. 

our first time building sand castles together! i showed him the fine art of of getting the sand at the right consistency, as you can see he was totally engrossed by my chat ;)


  1. Wow what a lovely beach....Looks like you had it all to your self! How lucky!
    Fab photos looks like the little man had a fab time x

    1. it was just gorgeous, even better that we practically had it to ourselves too
      thanks for stopping by :)

  2. That's a great beach isn't it? Went there a few months ago. Perfect for families.

    1. we loved it! will definitely be making a trip back, weather permitting of course! :)

  3. What a lovely day at the beach, it looks like little Caleb just loved it. It certainly brought back many a memory of my little ones on the beach and how they just loved the sand. Thank you for visiting my blog and looking forward to reading more of your journey. Xo

    1. thanks for stopping by hannapat.
      seeing caleb enjoy the beach as much as he did was so great, not sure about the sand and sea consumption though!! ;)
